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A Green Hub – Incubadora de Empresas promove o empreendedorismo através de diversas ações e eventos, dos quais destacamos workshops de empreendedorismo, focados em diversos públicos.
Também promovemos através de Concursos de Ideias, onde as ideias ou start-ups premiadas têm um apoio financeiro imediato.
A ACIAB também realiza e apoia na Criação do Próprio Emprego, em parceria com o IEFP.

Fortune 100 best companies to work for

Company Benefits

Based in Paris, we work closely with clients from around the world, getting to the heart of their business to develop successful digital ideas and

Competitive Salary

As a leading digital company in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional relationship, becoming a partner to the people and

Global Offices

Hub employs the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-

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